This is an archive of the band profile for Achtung Everybody!.

Ben - Weapons skills and vocals.
Beefy - Cloaking ability, bass and backing vocals.
Jalf - 3+ Saving throw and guitar.
Kev - Enhanced vision and drums.
Jack - 2XD6 wound throw and guitar.

Gutten Tag mien jungen and welcome to the home of Achtung Everybody! We're a motley collection of 20 (pushing 30) somethings from Leeds in the UK whose interests and activities encompass both shirking and curmudgeonry. Whilst we've been together for a few years now as a largely instrumental outfit, we have found our notches have been suitably cranked by the addition of our esteemed singer, Ben and are in the throes of finally getting our act together and unleashing our UNSPEAKABLE MELODIC VENGENCE upon this wretched earth. As material proof of our SINGLE MINDED MISSION TO WREAK GUITAR DRIVEN HAVOC upon this godforsaken wasteland, we have now posted a few tracks of WEAPONS GRADE FISSILE AUDIO MATERIAL on this site so that YOU MAY MAKE BLEED YOUR EARS. We must also take this opportunity to thank GILES, GRAND OVERSEER OF LOGIC/GARAGEBAND NEWFANGALRY for his assistance with the WEAPONS PRODUCTION and displays of INHUMAN PATIENTS AND GRACE IN THE FACE OF IDIOTS (there may be more than a fair few geeks in our number, but sound techs we are not)..